Friday, December 2, 2011

Free Tiffany & Co. Diamond Earrings!

Every once in a while an offer rolls around that is so enticing, it's hard to resist. Superior Lexus North has introduced a new special that is not only hard to resist, but is sure to gain lots of excitement this December! 

As you can see, we have announced our new offer of Free Tiffany & Co. diamond earrings with any new 2011 or 2012 LS 460 purchase! Can you think of anything better for a holidays than a new Lexus AND new diamond earrings from Tiffany's?! WOW! That will truly be a December to Remember! This offer is running all month long, so head over to build your LS 460 today, or you can call to schedule an appointment to view one of our current LS 460s on the lot!
Call us today and we'll be glad to assist you! (877)790-1949