Saturday, June 21, 2014

Quick Gas-Saving Tips

With the first day of summer at our finger-tips, we have to begin planning for the activities that accompany it. One integral part of summer is the adventure! However exciting traveling on the road may be, it isn't free. With gas prices fluctuating unpredictably, we can safely say that budgeting for fuel is high up on the list of priorities. Keeping that in mind, here are some great tips to save you gas and money:

1) Check your air filter. A clean air filter can improve gas efficiency by up to 10%!

2) Align your tires. Tires that aren't properly aligned can result in your engine having to work harder than it would otherwise.

3) Take it slow. For every 5 miles per hour you reduce your speed, you can reduce your fuel consumption by 7%.

4) Keep it smooth. Jerky starts and stops can quickly add to your gas bill. Poor drivers can add an addition 1/3 on to their gas bill.

5) Take a break from the brake. Keeping your foot on the brakes can wear out your brake pads and increase your gas consumption by 35%

Small changes here and there may seem insignificant now, but when you find yourself stopping to fill up less frequently, you find out just how much they can add up.