Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gear up for School!

It is officially that time of the year! Time to send the kids back to school! While the thought of no longer having to entertain them day-to-day may be appealing, don't let it distract you from what's important: setting your child up for success at school and at home!

Here are some helpful tips to keep you and the kids from stressing about school:

Create a calendar central: When the kids are constantly coming home with papers and permission slips for tests and field trips, take a moment to denote them on one central calendar for the whole family! Whether it is soccer games or dance recitals, having one family calendar helps ensure that everyone is in synchrony throughout the year without constant conflicting schedules!

Target the morning madness: It is no news to any parent that the morning time can often be rushed and chaotic if everyone is running late or forgetting things! The night before, take some time to think over how you can keep the kids on track and off to school the next morning without any mishaps! Set out lunches, lay out their clothing, check for any missing homework or assignments before they scramble out the door the next morning! Maybe even create a checklist for each of your kids. This will not only help keep them organized now, but it will create a habit of organization for the future!

Clean up shop:Whether it is practicing your speed-cleaning, creating a filing system for each of your kid's paperwork or creating a meal plan, get your house in gear for the year! You would be amazed how much a little planning can go a long way and create important organizational habits!

We hope the school year is full of memories and growth for you and your kids! Make it a memorable one!